Thursday, May 17, 2007

InspiredGal's Photo


Colourful Mushroom

by InspiredGal

Click on the photo to go to InspiredGal's album in the CP gallery or go to the sidebar and visit her blog.
We all love comments!


almoak said...

First time in for me. If you'll pardon my ignorance - what's the purpose of this "blog?"

Unknown said...

Now that is cool! Is it edible?

InspiredGal said...

What a surprise it was to come in here and find my photo! LOL! Thank you, Pat!

Sonja, I don't think it's edible, but it certainly was very stunning visualy. It was about 5 inches across and it was the first time I had ever seen a mushroom like this. And would you believe it - growing nearby were two little mushrooms with red, rounded domes with white dots all over it, just like you see in the fairytales!!!!

BTW - my real name is Karen Elengikal, InspiredGal is my internet name. :)

Blessings to all. :)

inspired said...

Naturally perfect capture:)
And my internet name is inspired what's in a name.. God bless

Pat said...

Great to see you all here!

Al, this is just a place where we can put some things in from our Christian Photographers website to encourage new folks to join us.