What a surprise it was to come in here and find my photo! LOL! Thank you, Pat!
Sonja, I don't think it's edible, but it certainly was very stunning visualy. It was about 5 inches across and it was the first time I had ever seen a mushroom like this. And would you believe it - growing nearby were two little mushrooms with red, rounded domes with white dots all over it, just like you see in the fairytales!!!!
BTW - my real name is Karen Elengikal, InspiredGal is my internet name. :)
First time in for me. If you'll pardon my ignorance - what's the purpose of this "blog?"
Now that is cool! Is it edible?
What a surprise it was to come in here and find my photo! LOL! Thank you, Pat!
Sonja, I don't think it's edible, but it certainly was very stunning visualy. It was about 5 inches across and it was the first time I had ever seen a mushroom like this. And would you believe it - growing nearby were two little mushrooms with red, rounded domes with white dots all over it, just like you see in the fairytales!!!!
BTW - my real name is Karen Elengikal, InspiredGal is my internet name. :)
Blessings to all. :)
Naturally perfect capture:)
And my internet name is inspired what's in a name.. God bless
Great to see you all here!
Al, this is just a place where we can put some things in from our Christian Photographers website to encourage new folks to join us.
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